This letter was sent by group leader Meribeth Schierbeek and we wanted to share much of it with everyone:
May 31 - West Michigan Wellness Center is our location every month. This month we had to add more chairs and last month we had to take some away. Our lives continue to fluctuate on our commitments and places to be, and we want to continue to be a place of refuge, where we meet Christ each time we gather to discuss each chapter. We actually took some time to look back to when this all began. This group around the book Transformed began the first time a few years back with 5 Moms and 5 daughters all having experienced the effects of an Eating Disorder in some way. Currently we have girls in many areas of a struggle with ED and each one has a mentor from their own church, or family, or they have been given one from Finding Freedom Ranch. We desire to build up families and churches in this ministry with the cross of Christ where freedom is given. Last night we gathered around chapter 9 - From Legalistic to Grace Filled.
Each person often shares how the lesson affected them or something from the book that encouraged them. These are a few of those statements from the book... ...Spending time in Scripture is the primary avenue that God uses to teach and train us in his way. II Timothy 3:16-17 ...Dl Moody quote - The Law tells me how crooked I am. Grace comes along and straightens me out. ...They (Pharisees) couldn't see how Jesus was the fulfillment of the Scriptures they held dear since rule-following was only for outward display, not an inward demonstration of their hearts. ...We spoke about a phrase in the book "Letting It Go". We asked what that looks like. It is understanding I am not in control, God is, and I hand things over every minute of the day submitting myself to Him.

We realized we all like to know we are doing it right by some rules we adhere to. We also understand it is about a relationship with Jesus that is the answer. He gives us grace which means we get what we do not is a gift. No law-keeping on its own will give us the hope and peace a relationship with Him does each day. This is an ongoing process of growing in His holiness until we get home to see our Father face to face.